
The confessions of a former shopoholic continue as I return to Belize for a second year this fall. Earlier posts tell tales from my first year in Belize as a volunteer teacher at Mt. Carmel High School in Benque Viejo del Carmen from 2004-2005. I will return to Belize this fall to work as a missionary on San Pedro, the "La Isla bonita" of Madonna's dreams and my home for the next year!

Sunday, August 01, 2004

hey, it worked...

Well, I guess is gonna work for this. I also just added a picture of me and some of my students from spring break in the "my photo" spot under my profile. I'll hopefully add some links to the school, etc. as soon as I figure out how.


  • At 10:35 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    im glad it worked

  • At 10:44 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    hey wats up this is so how are u doin in high skool we read the outsiders bye your friend


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